Integration Therapy Training Program

The Training

.. is a two year program for members of the healing professions. The first year focuses on basic Inner Child methods, experiential processes, didactic material and supervised practice for your own healing as you learn the Inner Child techniques. The second year focuses on developing your skills and healing ability with advanced Inner Child techniques. It also integrates other therapeutic paradigms to create a multi-level flow to the healing process.

This is an in-depth, experiential training program. It includes lectures, illustrated with case study material giving insights into the process of both therapist and client. Students learn pratical therapeutic methods while they experience group processes, supervised practice with other students, doing their own sessions, role-playing, study groups, demonstrations and creative experiential projects.This method of training allows you to be, feel, do, see and understand how Inner Child Integration work becomes a powerful tool for accelerating the healing process for yourself and your clients.